How to install Openwrt on a router

Install OPENWRT on router

We can modify the software of a router to perform more functions. I enclose the steps to do it. The author of this blog is not responsible for the information on this page. By changing the software to the router there is a risk of damaging it and rendering it unusable.

  1. We can use a reused router that we don't use or buy it. In my case it is reused. Openwrt has no configuration for ADSL, except for some routers, so we must have our main router with ADSL and another auxiliary in which we install openwrt.
  2. Download the latest stable version for that router from the openwrt website. For example for router HG553:  openwrt-HW553 -squashfs-cfe.bin
  3. We disconnect from the ADSL router and connect with cable to the future openwrt.
  4.  Install the latest version of OPENWRT , on the chosen router. (We must check if our router is in the  list of compatible  OPENWRT devices .
  5. You must access by placing your original IP in the browser, usually
  6. Locate the UPDATE software option in the menu, in the box, we must place the downloaded file.
  7. We wait two minutes and restart.
  8. Access the router-openwrt: Normally after installing openwrt, web access (LUCI) will be installed.
  9. Trick: we can also put in the browser bar: openwrt /
  10. We must enter username and password.Normally user, user.Ya l
  11. We will change the password, so we can enter via ssh. (IMPORTANT).
  12. We must access the menu Network -> Interfaces,  edit LAN,  and put our IP, where it puts IPv4. Below, select save and apply. Wait a couple of minutes. (Now the browser cannot reload the page, because we have changed the ip).
  13. To check, we access through the browser, small window, with the new IP.
  14. We put the ip in the browser bar, in this case:
  15. We already have our router ready with openwrt. Now we can use it for multiple purposes. 
  16. Our server-openwrt will be in our network, and we must assign a fixed ip. This is important.
  17. What IP do we put? The equipment of a network is identified with its IP, a number of type 192.168.1.x, where x is a number from 0 to 255. Generally the router has and in this example we will assign to our router- openwrt-web server address
  18. We will tell the ADSL router that our openwrt has a fixed IP: We will identify the MAC number of the router-openwrt, it comes in the back.
      1. How do we assign this “fixed” IP? We must enter our main router, putting in the small browser window
      2. Then enter username and password of our ADSL router. and search for a NETWORK menu -> LAN -> DHCP Binding and add or start the list:
  19. Now the ADSL router knows that our openwrt has a fixed IP. This step is recommended, and important if we want to install a web server.
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