What is the difference between WAN and LAN wireless networks?

Employees can stay connected to their office wherever they travel. Two different networks connect computers and mobile devices to each other and to the Internet.

WAN wireless network

The WAN wireless network, or wide area networks, link devices over long distances from land. Cell phone companies use these networks to allow Internet access to their customers, often under the term "mobile broadband." The WAN wireless network tends to offer a slower data transfer than the WLAN network.

LAN wireless network

The wireless LAN, or local area networks, either act in conjunction with wired networks or as separate networks. These connect computers together generally within a geographical range of 65 to 300 feet (19.81 to 91.44 m). LAN networks require much more security because anyone who is within the range of the transmission signal can access it. This network contains various standards to which the hardware associated with the network can adhere. However, all WLAN networks offer faster data transfer than WWAN, regardless of the standard.


Wireless LANs get used at home or in the office. The different standards allow data transfer rates as small as 11 megabits per second (Mbps) with the norm bo up to 600 (Mbps) with the norm n.
Individual devices that require Internet access outside Wi-Fi access points often access WWANs.
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