iPhone fallen in water? Here's what to do

 iPhone X, 8 and 7 models are certified waterproof (IP67 certification up to 1 meter), but what should you do if your device does fall into water?

iphone with water damage

If your iPhone has fallen into water, or has been in contact with liquid material and has become wet, do the following:

  1. If your phone is still on, turn it off .
  2. If it is already disabled, do not attempt to enable it.
  3. Do not charge your device to check if it still works.
  4. If present, remove the smartphone case from your iPhone.
  5. Now grab a dry duster and dry your phone. Do not use a hair dryer or heated appliances .
  6. To see if water has entered your device, check the water damage labels at the SIM card opening.
  7. Grab a paperclip and remove the SIM card from the side of your device.
  8. Now check if the water damage labels are red .
  9. iphone water damage sensors
  10. If yes, take your device to a specialist for water damage repair.
  11. If these are not red , put your device in a container with silica bags to let it dry further.
  12. Wait 24 hours and then try turning your phone back on.
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