Error 0x80004004 usually occurs due to a configuration issue. Defender hits a problem and can't work normally and gives up the error. While Defender still works, it doesn't have the latest files to identify the latest threats. Using Defender as your only defense (which you shouldn't) can leave your computer vulnerable.

Fix 0x80004004 Errors in Windows 10

There are a number of ways to fix 0x80004004 errors in Windows 10. First, let's check if everything is working properly.

  1. Type "services" in the Windows Search (Cortana) box.
  2. Find the Windows Defender service and make sure it is running and set to Automatic.
  3. Select the Windows Defender service, right-click and select Restart. Let the service restart and retest.

If the 0x80004004 error reappears, let's move on. If you use third-party security software and Windows Defender, you may need to disable them before upgrading.

  1. Click the up arrow in the lower right corner of your taskbar to access system icons.
  2. Right click on your antivirus icon and select disable or words for it. Different products have different methods and wording.
  3. Repeat for any other malware or file checking software you use.
  4. Try the Defender update again.

If that doesn't work:

  1. In the Search Windows (Cortana) box, type "defender" but don't press Enter as usual.
  2. Right click on it in the menu and select Run as administrator.
  3. Try updating it with elevated privileges.

Sometimes it can be as simple as running an application as an administrator that gets programs running again. Even if your user account has administrative privileges, Windows 10 sometimes separates file permissions from that level. This process overcomes that.

If that doesn't work, we can reload Windows Defender with a fresh copy from Microsoft.

  1. Visit the Malware Protection Center website and download a new, up-to-date copy of Windows Defender.
  2. Install and follow the wizard to set everything up.
  3. Allow Defender through your firewall if you are using a third party.
  4. Reboot if necessary and test again.

Our last step to fix 0x80004004 errors in Windows 10 is to perform a manual update of Windows Defender. I've left this until last because it's the least desirable outcome. We're not supposed to update our security regularly, but if none of the other steps work, we don't have a choice.

  1. Navigate to the Microsoft antimalware and antispyware software website.
  2. Scroll down the page to the download links and select Windows Defender in Windows 10. Select x32 or x64 depending on the system you have.
  3. Download and install the update.

You'll probably have to remember to do this regularly to keep Windows Defender up to date, so that's not the best outcome. Depending on your needs, you may want to run System Restore instead.

[Best Fix] 0x80004004 Errors in Windows 10 - Help Desk - 2021