SEO: Rank #1 on Google Search Engine

SEO: Rank #1 on Google Search Engine

It sometimes seems that SEO is at least as important as blogging itself. But if you really want to reach a large audience with your blog, that is actually a bit like that.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for  Search Engine OptimizationIt is the “science” that focuses on getting a blog or website as high as possible in the search engine results.

After all, if that works, you are assured of large amounts of (free) visitors for your blog. An additional big advantage is that you will almost automatically get many new visitors without you necessarily having to put in a lot of extra effort in terms of promotion and such. You just need to keep your blog attractive and current. This is why it is called a blog that is easy to find in the search engines.

All this brings a certain prestige to the owner of such a blog. Moreover, such a blog that is easy to find is often also worth money (because it is commercially very interesting).

Internet users are lazy and Google is stupid!

I know, oversimplified and generalized statements are dangerous, but still! That is very succinctly summarized why there is so much to do about SEO. Suppose you search the net for – shout again – healthy breakfasts. You go to Google and type in “healthy breakfast”. Which search results do you click on to start reading? You probably click on one of the five first suggestions. Just like 80 to 90% of all people. The other 10 to 20% may take a while to click on one of the other five results, but that's about it. If your blog is on page two in Google, you don't really get involved. After all, very few searchers click through to the second or third page.

Google, for its part, looks suspiciously like a toddler. As blogger/webmaster we have to constantly take Google by the hand and explain what this or that page is about. You prefer to do this according to a well-defined method. This way Google can ultimately determine where your page belongs somewhere in the search results. It must be said that Google, like most toddlers, learns very quickly. Certainly in recent years.

Google and internet users want the same

And that is? A quick and ready-made answer to every question asked, preferably as complete as possible. And that is why it is sometimes said that if you (as a blogger) are the best friend of your readers, you are also the best friend of Google.

Ranking well in Google with your blog therefore means in the first place that you subscribe to the Google idea: to create a fun and informative website/blog that is also somewhat user-friendly.

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